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Sunday, July 17, 2011

William's Surprise! :)

Hey Guys!
I went on Chobots then suddenly William came on! he stayed on for a while and did some strange magic check it out sorry i took only 2 pics i was busy with other stuff but anyway, here it is:

He did some sort magic that made a lot of William's
fall from the sky

Then he made this incredible digital cat bounce across the screen
Anyway, that's all for now guys :)
-Sugar :D


  1. Lol the bouncing cat is called 'Nyan cat' you can look it up and it will come u with that same cat and some background music and it willsay 'YOU'VE NYAN'D FOR (something) seconds'

  2. Yerr, I have seen it on youtube. It's so weird.. But I couldn't get my eyes of it. rofl


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