Bad language: Bad language is very rude, and is not suitable for a childrens game. Please respect everyone that plays "Chobots".
Begging: Please do not constantly ask fellow chobots for clothes, bugs, for them to add you, and especially for their account.
No dating: Dating is defenitely not allowed on "Chobots", it is a childrens game and not a place for that kind of thing. You can go to a dating site if you like to do that.
No spamming: Spamming is saying the same thing three or more times or it could be just writting nonscence. It is not very respectable and get's people annoyed.
No scamming: This is an example of scamming. When you say you will do something if they give you something in return and then the person who asked ends up not giving anything back. It is very upsetting and against the rules.
Asking to be an agent or mod: Asking to be a mod or agent will lower your chances of being one. Just try your best and follow the Chobot Rules and you will get there eventually.
Don't give you pass out: Never give your pass out. If someone says they are a mod and they need your pass to make you an agent or something, they are lieing. Mod's would never ask for passes. So NEVER give your pass out, it is against the rules and could lead to getting banned yourself.
If you would like to see the Official Chobots Rules >Click Here<
I hope you will go by the rules, stay safe and have fun. ^.^