Join the Awesomeness

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Yes , you guessed right. By the title of this post I AM angry!

Don't you just hate it when your making a really good piece of art on the Citizen Wall and another Chobot just comes and ruins it. I DO.

Here is a chobot called '11thprincess'. I was making picture of Sunflowers in a flower pot and she comes and ruins it!

Here are the pics:
This is what I had done before that chobot in the bottom-right corner destroyed it.

She erased my art and wrote this on the wall. (I did all the pink lines in-front of the bad language on Paint)

As you can see, sometime (I can't remember when) I 'Ignored' her before she did all this. GEE, I wonder why?

Anyways, to all the Art Ruiners out there. PLEASE stop doing this to Chobots beautiful art.

Speaking of Beautiful Art, look at this amazing art that 'coolguy652' made.

Pretty cool, huh?

Oh, and here is one that Neveah12 (Left) Sharlotta (Middle) And me Emmzie (Right) did!
And yes, we were SHARING the wall! Because that's what cool chobots do. ;)

Farewell, and keep up with the astonishing art!


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